High School Fairs

High School Fairs THIS WEEK!!

High School Fair Tuesday, September 26 5-8PM Bayard Rustin Complex      9/30/23: NYCPS Manhattan High School Fair Saturday, September 30 ยท 10am - 2pm EDT n Martin Luther King High School, Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY, USA  122 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10023
TONIGHT 5-8PM in the Bayard Rustin Complex 351 W. 18th Street
Meet representatives from CUNY Early College, Urban Assembly, Outward Bound, International, Consortium & New Visions High Schools.
Saturday, September 30th & Sunday, October 1st 10AM - 2PM Martin Luther King Jr. High School Campus. 122 Amsterdam Avenue
Meet representatives from a variety of Manhattan High Schools!
Tips for Getting the Most Out of a High School Fair
1. Go early.  Fairs get crowded FAST.  It can be overwhelming.  
2. Check out schools you haven't heard about. There are lots of "hidden gems" that fly under the radar compared to more popular schools.  Sometimes the school without a crowd around the table is just what you're looking for.
3. Talk to students!! Ask them what they DON'T like about their school.
4. Take a tote bag to carry all the brochures, etc.
5. Take notes!!  It can be overwhelming and hard to remember what you saw once you leave.