Parents Association » 2022/23 PA Minutes

2022/23 PA Minutes

CPE2 Parents Association Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, March 15, 2023



  • Upcoming Fundraisers and Events
  • Nominating Committee
  • Treasurer's Report
  • Principal’s report
  1. Parent Coordinator’s report
  2. Parent Questions

Upcoming Fundraisers and Events

  • Coffee and breakfast with Naomi and Julie was a success.  Hoping to schedule more on different days of the week.  Next proposed date Thurs. 4/27.
  • Family Movie Night- March 31st – working on getting projector and need to decide on a movie and time.  All grades invited.  Disney or Pixar is favorable.  Also working on getting light snacks like popcorn.
  • Spring Fair scheduled for May 6th.
  • Talent show scheduled for May 19th at 6pm

Nominating Committee

  • PA elections need to happen by the end of year.  Prior to that a nominating committee need to be formed.  Nominating committee members cannot run on the executive board.

Treasurer's Report

  • Coffee meet up - $185.55
  • Misc. Income - $191.65
  • Current Bank Account Balance: $41,628.18

Parent Coordinator’s report

  • High school offers went out last week.
  • This year every single student got placed to a school on their application.  Very exciting news.
  • Next Wednesday will be a high school meeting for 7th grade families.

Principal’s report

  • Survey season.  Goal is to encourage everyone to do the survey.  There will be a raffle at the end.  No tracing of who completed survey.  Parent concern that there is no language that indicates it’s anonymous and confidential.  
  • Information for testing will be sent out soon including opt-out information.  Grades below 3rd do not take test. ELA dates: 4/19 and 4/20.  Math dates: 5/2 and 5/3.  Students are aware of how test look like including strategies. Curriculum is not turned over to test prepping.
  • Pi day was fun.
  • Serious problem at school: Extreme absentee rate.  Poor attendance jeopardizes having services/programs at school.  Attendance reports will be sent out to every family.  Ideas are welcomed on how to improve attendance.

Parent Questions

  • Response to question: fund raising committee meeting has not been held in a while.
  • Response to question: Julie will look into status of next round of cool culture pass.

Next PA Meeting: Saturday, April 29th 10:30-11:30am.

CPE2 Parents Association Meeting Minutes

Saturday, February 11, 2023



  • Upcoming Fundraisers
  • Parent Feedback
  • Treasurer's Report
  • Principal’s report
  • Parent Coordinator’s report
  • Voting on Meeting Notes
  • Parent Questions

  • Upcoming Fundraisers
      • Coffee and breakfast with Naomi and/or Julie. Friday, March 3rd.
      • Parents Night Out
        • Friday, March 24th tentative date
        • Childcare will be provided (and pizza)
        • Opportunity for parents to reconnect.
        • Working on confirming space
        • Fundraising opportunity: raffle, small cover charge
      • Family Movie Night
        • Friday, April 28th tentative date
        • Opportunity for parents and children to come together and enjoy a movie together
        • Location: Auditorium-ground floor
      • Spring Fair.
        • Date: Saturday, May 6th 
        • Bouncy Houses confirmed
  • Tentative time: 1:30pm – 5pm 
      • Need volunteers.  Reach out to PA if interested for spring fair or any function.  Look out for sign-up sheets
    • Talent show
      • Tentative date: Friday, May 19th 
      • Once details are confirmed, forms will be made available for people to submit what they want to do for talent show.


  • Parent Feedback
    • What ideas do you have to develop more connections between students and families? (e.g.: playdates)
    • Website can be used to post activities.
    • Chat groups are not monitored and school cannot set up chats
    • Potential use of Facebook group/Instagram for connections.  School can’t share family information with other families.  However, families can share information with each other.  PA will work on re-activating different platforms for social connections.
    • Suggestions: 
      • asking teacher to share contact with a specific family
      • parents can give permission to share their information for playdates and social connection purposes
      • Naomi with assistance will work on adding link to Facebook group in weekly notes

  • Treasurer's Report
    • Total expense: $5,060
    • No income this month
    • Current bank balance $41,436.53
    • Must continue fundraising to continue to fund yearly programs

  • Principal’s report
    • Black lives matter week of Action: different activities from every grade happening this week
    • Respect for all: Celebrating Kindness, anti-bullying, respect for diversity, disability, gender identity and pride. Different activities happening every day week of 2/13
    • Moving up and Graduation date: Friday June 23rd 
    • Family conferences March 9th; Early dismissal 
    • Dental clinic coming up. Link and paper forms sent out. 2/27-3/3
    • School photos.  
      • Fundraising opportunity for PA
      • Dates: Tuesday March 28th and Wednesday 29th
      • Special day for seniors to be photographed with caps and gowns. Tuesday March 28th 
    • FYI: 2nd grade has been going all over city for different activities.  
    • Jazz Quartet and McKayla visited school and several grades had a chance to enjoy tap dancing
    • The Esplanade has fallen into disrepair; not safe to drop off oysters there. Oysters are dropped off closer to 90th street
    • CPE2 was approached to hold a community meeting (Pier 107 Bobby Wagner Walk Reconstruction project) Feb. 13th 

  • Parent Coordinator’s report
    • Reminder: Time to get a nominating committee and start recruiting people for election in June

  • Comments and Questions
  • Response to chat comment: Request for more academic events for middle school parents.  Survey was sent out for workshops and other ways to meet parent needs and preferences.  Please email Julie and Naomi with ideas.  Library has a good collection of books.
    • Response to chat question: Will upper elementary have trips? Yes, student have been going on trips and will continue to go on trips.
    • Response to chat comment: Can slides be posted on Instagram/Facebook?  PA will work on that.  Pictures with children’s faces will not be posted. 
    • Response to suggestion: To have committee or elect people as part PA for communication. Recruiting is challenging when we struggle to fill current position.  PA will look into this.
    • Response to chat question: Will ClassDojo be used for parent-teacher communication?  No: ClassDojo is mostly grades and CPE2 does not operate like that.  DOE is working on something similar; we do not want to replicate same process until we know what that is.

  • Vote on Meeting notes: January and December.
    • Majority: Yes

Next PA Meeting: Wednesday, March 15th 

CPE II Parent Association Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Time: 6:30
In attendance: Anand Gan, Joan Esperanze, Emily Grajales, Irlene Cedeño, Jyoti (CPE2 teacher),
Magdalena López, Megan Moore, Nandi Bosia, Karen Romero, Elizabeth Castro, Jen, Kim Meyer,
Mariaelena Chacón, Mike López, Naomi Smith, Toni Smith, Evelis Galarza, Esther Dominguez,
Julie Atwell, Gema Imbert, Phil Traversa.
PA Exec Board Co-Secretary welcomed everyone, asked about everyone’s favorite song and
read agenda. Translation for a Spanish speaking parent was provided by PA exec board member
Mariaelena Chacón.
2)Parent Feedback
3)Treasurer’s Report
4)Principal’s Report
5)Parent Coordinator’s Report
6)Parent questions
1)Anand Gan spoke about fundraising initiatives. Asked parents to please join in to Fundraising
committee and in supplying ideas. The Fundraising Committee has gotten together and spoken
about activities that bring parents together as they did pre-Covid and need for community
building and more fundraising. A Parents’ Get Together is in the works for March. Spring Fair,
which has been a constant in our Fund-Raising calendar/ efforts, is also in the works for early
May. Idea of a pop-corn sale once a month after school on a Friday is also in our plans. There’s
also the Middle School play at the end of the year and a talent show. Fundraising committee
has discussed possibility of concession stands at these two events with healthy snacks and
water. We want to confirm dates for activities planned and gauge which of these initiatives are
most appealing to parents.
Brainstorming together: Parents were asked about ideas and preference for community
building and fundraising and they enthusiastically jumped in with many great ideas in the chat,
including having a Family Movie Night, which was very popular among attendees. Equally
popular Morning Coffee meets at school for parents. Other ideas included family game night.
Parents showed excitement about the idea of a grown up meet up.
2)Treasurer’s Report: Read by Megan Moore, the Treasure’s report detailed our latest
expenses: the CPE2’s revamped website ($6,800) and the Biobus ($946). The total for these
expenses was $7,746. A total of $143.30 came in via donations. The link for where donations
can be made was included in the chat. Current bank balance at $46,496.53. A detailed list of
budgeted and actual current expenses was shown.
3)The Parent Coordinator’s report was read before the principal’s report by Julie Atwell, who
started by reminding everyone about NYCSA accounts and their importance. These accounts
are where parents can see everything associated with their students, from transportation
servives to grades. You can submit forms via them, and accounts will be permanent through
students’ school career. They will not change if they move to another school. Parents who did
not receive a letter about these accounts in child’s purple folder already have an active
account. If you did receive a letter, you need to create an account or add a child to existing
account. Every parent/ guardian can have an account. If anyone is unsure about their account,
please contact Julie (email included in chat). A survey went out regarding workshops that might
be of interest to parents. Last SLT meeting almost entirely dedicated to survey results.
Wednesdays and Thursdays came back as most popular time to hold workshops; 6:00 pm to
7:00 as most popular time. Another popular timeslot was Saturdays at 10 am. Mental Health for
caregivers, how to support a child with an IEP and social media were most popular workshop
topics. Next step is the creation of these workshops and getting info out.
4)/ 5) Principal Naomi expressed concern about in-person gatherings but also expressed that
CPE2 had just had its first in-person experience with Rosie’s Kids. How to go about these
gathering briefly discussed. Questions came in for Naomi regarding culture pass and how to

Next meeting scheduled for Saturday February 11, 2023 @ 10:30 am.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:26 PM.
CPE II Parents Association Meeting Minutes
Saturday, December 10, 2022
In attendance: Phil Traversa, Naomi Smith, Cousette Rivera, Joan Esperanze, Megan Moore,
Toni Smith, Mike Lopez, Kim Meyer, Carolyn Castro, Julie Youngblood, Mariaelena Chacón,
Vanda Jones, Eduardo Gonzalez, Emily Grajales, Jen (mom of Joseph, 5 th grade), Julie Atwell,
Gema Imbert, Irlene Cedeño.
Start time 10:31 am.
Parent Association co-President Phil Traversa welcomed parents and asked everyone in
attendance to add their name in the chat, along with favorite holiday treat. He proceeded to
read the agenda for the meeting.
1)Upcoming Fundraisers
2)Treasurer’s Report
3) Principal’s Report
4) Voting on Meeting Notes
5) Parent’s Questions
1)Upcoming fundraisers was presented by PA Executive Board member MariaElena Chacón. She
expressed shared desire to have more fundraisers and that a silent auction, parents’ night out
and other activities are ideas the Parents Associations was contemplating. She invited all to
contact the PA to share their ideas for fundraising. We have a tentative date for Spring Fair in
May, but no date yet for the Parents’ Night Out or the Silent Auction.
2)The Treasurer’s Report was read by PA Treasurer Megan Moore. She explained that there had
been significant expenses since the last PA meeting, included paying back Naomi Smith who
had been personally funding transportation to Randall’s Island for 3 rd graders ($700), Winter
Ecology Program ($1500), pending balance for Gardening Program from ($9500) and Basketball
program for Middle School ($475). The basketball program and ecology program have already
begun. Giving Tuesday generated $1562 of income in the form of donations. The current bank
balance as of 12/10/22 stood at $54,099.23. The budget vs actual expenses chart was
3) Naomi’s Principal’s Report started by her informing the group that she currently had Covid
and is concerned about rising number of cases and possible surge during Holidays. Email will go
out asking people to mask as both students and faculty have fallen ill lately from Covid, Flu and
RSV, particularly in lower grades. She proceeded to inform attendees that programs funded by
PA are all up and running. Staff has been busy planning activities for Holidays for all grades and
grade appropriate. From the 4 th to the 8 th Winter Solstice Spirit Week took place with
collaboration between grades. There was color day, twin day, hot chocolate, cookie
decorating…Naomi reported there is a new teacher in Middle School. Funds from Urban
Advantage were used for science program. Kids will be going to Train Show in the Bronx
Botanical Garden. There also the swim program, Rosie’s Kids…
4) Parents voted on meeting notes from September, October and November. All passed.
5) Questions from parents:
Q: regarding possibility of having to go remote.
Answer from Naomi: she has no control over such matters as its Mayor/ Chancellor’s decision,
but CPE2 is ready and Google classroom is available for kids who have to miss school due to
illness. Devices are still being distributed to kids who need them.
Q: Regarding Cool Culture Pass
A: School pays for that. It is only for lower grades. Parents must register
Q: Regarding communication and not getting emails about activities, etc.
Reminder from Naomi regarding High School and Middle school application process ending and
the start of preschool application process. Tours will eventually be planned, but presently
difficult due to rise in Covid cases. Tour date info will go out for friends and families who are
Q: Regarding getting help/ support for recent immigrants arriving from border states to NYC.
A: District has special event for these immigrants. Where to donate will be included in next
newsletter. Toiletries are being requested.
Meeting adjourned at 11:33 am.
Next meeting 1/ 18 at 6:30 pm
CPE2 Parents Association Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
In Attendance: Julie Atwell, Naomi Smith, Mariaelena Chacón, Phil Traversa, Meagan Moore,
Toni Smith, Kim Meyer, Anand Gan, Janelley Gonzalez, Gema Imbert, Joan Esperance, Eduardo
Gonzalez, Hilda Candelario, Mike Lopez, Emily G., Magdalena López, Julie Youngblood, Vanda &
Layla, Jyoti
1. Fall Fair Recap
2. Fundraising
3. Treasurer’s report
4. Revised Budget Report
5. Principal’s report
6. Parent Coordinator’s report
7. Parent Questions
 Fall Fair Recap
o We received amazing support from parents, staff and students who
volunteered. Weather was fantastic. 
 Fundraising
o Contact PA with any ideas or desire to be part of a committee.
o Examples of fundraising activities: Spring/Fall fair, silver graphics
(deadline 11/30 for gift giving), photos/school pictures, raffles, t-shirt
sales, popcorn sales, auction (goods/services)-parent night, fund-drive,
giving Tuesday. Some activities were set aside due to pandemic.
o Proposed idea that Parent Night return.
o Donations are tax deductible
o Amazon programs (smile) are on hold until conflicts with benefits are
ironed out. Communication will be sent out once resolved.
 Treasurer’s report
o Fall Fair income: $4677.06
o Profit for Fall Fair: $1741.46
o Current Bank Account Balance: $64,998.12
 Revised Budget Report
o Voting on Proposed increase in budget: $15,537
o Majority – YES
 Principal’s report
o CPE2 works with many organizations to enrich the learning experience
for our students.
o In addition to in-school programs (e.g.: Dance, Drama, Phys Ed Teachers,
Musical Theater, Librarian, Visual Arts) enrichment activities beyond
school day programs includes:
 Recess Support: 21 st Century (4-8), Asphalt Green REP (K-3),
Tennis 3 rd , Swimming 2 nd , Basketball 6 th -8 th , Biking 5 th & 6 th , Running
CHAMPS K-5 th .
 Dance programs: 21 st Century Afterschool 4-8, Collaboration with
Julia K-3, Rosies Kids 5 th Grade
 Music/Drama: Percussion instruments and singing, Opus 118, 92 nd
St. Y 4 th grade, Broadway Jr. 6 th -8 th
 Environmental Programs: Ecology program, gardening, BioBus 6 th -
8 th , Camping, Water Stewardship program, Oyster project, Clear
water trip
 health and wellness: Go Healthy/Children’s Aid 3 rd & 5 th , Go
Chef/Children’s Aid 6 th -8 th , Taste of Rice/Randall’s Island Farm 1 st -
3 rd
 Parent Coordinator’s report
o CPE2 Website is running well. Sends emails and text simultaneously.
Anyone not receiving emails or text should send Julie updated contact
o Deadline for high school application is December 1 st .
o Contact Julie if you do not have a NYCSA (NYC School Account) account
or if you are not sure you have a NYCSA account. It’s a resource for
families to use. Account is different from My Schools Account.
o Julie suggest planning for the spring fair should begin soon. Possible
dates 4/29 or 5/6. Leaning on 5/6.
 Parent Questions
o Response to chat question: If there’s interest Julie is willing to put
together a middle school in person event about high school process.
o Response to chat question: Julie will make parent handbook easier to
find on website.
o Parent concern/suggestion: Send text with any delays with school bus.
o Response to parent question: Can school activities/events alternate
between Saturdays and Sundays? Challenge is that school depends on
support from Children’s Aid including man power. Much easier to get
assistance and support on Saturdays. Will look into other potential
o Response to chat question: Yes, senior trip is happening. It will be a day
trip. Students are part of decision. There is a fee which includes senior
activities but school is prepared to support every student financially.
o Response to parent question: Function of ‘progress reports’
 First report is called goal setting report: brief look at how a child is
doing and what may be some goals to work on.
 February is a bigger report because assessments have been used
and teachers know students better.
 June is end of year report.
 4 th grade end of year report used for middle school admissions
 7 th grade end of year report used for HS admissions
CPE2 Parents Association Meeting Minutes
Saturday, October 15, 2022
10:30 AM
In attendance: Anand Gan, Phil Traversa, Naomi Smith, Julie Atwell, Marielena Chacón,
Sandralis Gines, Chatarra Hamlett-Yates, Karen Romero-Green, Megan Moore, Irene Cedeño,
Quincy Yates, Rhina Valentín, Kimberly Meyer, Melody Sidberry, L. Torres, Darren Lang, Marjan,
Mercedes Wilson, Vanda Jones, Evelis Galarza, Eliza, Vishwanie Persaud, Gema Imbert.
1. Fall Fair- Event will be held at CPE2 yards on Saturday, October 22 from noon to 4:00
pm. BBQ, Inflatables, live music, crafts will all be present. Discussion about need to
promote and bring in rummage, potluck foods and volunteers. Questions about ticket
and bracelet sales. Reminder to buy bracelets and tickets online and save time and
money. Emphasis will be on fundraising this year. Naomi reminded everyone that there
will be financial assistance to families who request it.
2. Treasurer’s Report – Presented by Megan Moore. Current CPE2 PA bank account
balance at $62, 678.66. No income yet this year but that should change with Fall Fair
earnings. New expenses included Parent’s Breakfast and deposit for fall fair inflatables.
3. Principal’s Report – Presented by Naomi Smith. Presentation about Title I Federal Aid
Program and CPE2 use of these funds to address educational needs of all students and
improve school, insuring all children a high-quality education, meeting state academic
achievement standards and assessments, and fostering parent engagement, insuring
supplies and professional development for staff. Evelys Galarza (chairperson) and
Kimberly Meyer (alternate) stepped up to fill positions of Title I Parent Advisory Council
Representatives for CPE2.
4. Parent Coordinator’s Report- Presented by Julie Atwell. Website updates were given,
and parents were reminded the CPE2 handbook and calendar are available at website,
which is up and running well and has gotten attention of several teachers who wish to
use to establish class pages. Talk of High School Application process start, with
information about deadlines, testing/ auditioning for selective schools, importance of
starting research early. Parents were encouraged to talk to Parent Coordinator Julie if
assistance/ information is needed. Plea to fill out survey regarding Middle School
screenings and reminder that CPE2 is not a screened middle school. District 4 had its
Back-to-School event. NYCSA accounts and the importance of having and becoming
familiar with them as they are essential for forms, have pertinent info about each
student, including grades, attendance, etc. and will be used more in the future by DOE.
Contact Julie if anyone does not have an account. Also contact Julie if not receiving
messages or texts from CPE2 with reminders of important upcoming events.
5. Next meeting will be Wednesday, November 16 at 6:30 pm.
Meeting concluded at 11:15 am.
CPE II Parents Association Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 21st, 2022
In attendance: Philip Traversa, Megan Moore, Janelly Gonzalez, Joan Esperance, Kim Meyer,
Florence Bradley, Karen Romero, Elizabeth Rijos, Naomi Smith, Shaherrah Berry, Joan
Esperance, Evelis Galarza, Gema Imbert, Marielena Chacon, Carolyn Castro, Naiyun Hsu, Keerat
Kaur, Tarum Singh, Orianna Stracuzzi, Vanda Jones, Eduardo Gonzalez, Vandy and Layla (?).
1. Meeting convened 6:30 pm
2. President’s Welcome (Phil Traversa)
3. Reading of agenda (Joan Esperance)
4. Introduction of Executive Board Members
5. CPE2 Picnic: Scheduled for Friday 9/30 at 5:00 pm at Central Park’s East Meadow. We are
looking forward to more community events/ community building.
6. Fall Fair: Scheduled for 10/22. Discussed emphasizing fundraising this year and making a big
push for volunteers. Repeat of rummage, inflatables, BBQ, crafts, live music.
7.Treasurer’s Report (Megan Moore). Current expenses included Parents Welcome Breakfast.
No income generated yet this year. Current balance $62,978.66. Proposed budget for the year
presented. Questions from participants regarding tech budget (new website), graduation
expenses and what that covers, art funding and what that covers (violin, Rossy’s kids, bit of a
“cushion”category). Budget voted on and passed (15 yays out of 25).
8. Parent Coordinator Report: Julie Atwell present a demo of new website, its features,
capabilities. Parts are still under construction. Website includes Parents Handbook, which has
all info needed by CPE2 families (hours, policies, contact info, etc). High school application
process was discussed. It has yet to be to begin and no updated info is at hand, most likely until
October, when process has usually started in the past. Julie pushed for 8 th and 7 th grade families
to start researching schools, finding out those that require tests or auditions. Families can reach
out to Julie for help. District 4 event announced. NYCSA accounts discussed, as well as their
importance, how to get one and how more and more is feeding into NYC Students accounts and
this is expected to continue expanding. Again, Julie asked that people reach out to her if help is
needed with accounts.
9. Principal’s Report: Naomi Smith greeted everyone and expressed excitement for new year.
Stated that CPE2s goal is to bring joy to its students. Spoke of upcoming community building
activities, 5-year grant through 21 st century Learning centers program and how it will translate
to extra support and benefits for students, Children’s Aid. Spoke about still present Covid
protocols: PA meeting will continue to be virtual, proof of vaccination required to go into
building, masks optional but encouraged.
10. New co-President Janelly Gonzalez introduced herself.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.